2025 6th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computer Application(ICMLCA 2025)
ICMLCA 2024 Oct. 18-20th, 2024
Home / ICMLCA 2024 Oct. 18-20th, 2024


第五届机器学习与计算机应用国际学术会议(ICMLCA 2024)在杭州圆满召开!

The Successful Conclusion of ICMLCA 2024

第五届机器学习与计算机应用国际学术会议(ICMLCA 2024)于20241018日至20日在中国杭州成功举行。这次学术盛会汇聚了相关领域优秀的专家、学者,重点探讨了机器学习和计算机应用领域面临的新挑战和新的研究方向,全面展示了国际技术研究的最新进展和创新应用

The 5th International Conference on Machine Learning and Computer Applications (ICMLCA 2024) was successfully held in Hangzhou, China from October 18th to 20th, 2024. This academic event brought together outstanding experts and scholars in related fields, focusing on exploring the new challenges and research directions faced by machine learning and computer applications, and comprehensively showcasing the latest progress and innovative applications of international technology research.


首先,哈尔滨工业大学的张海军教授以Generative Fashion Intelligence”为题,分享了生成性技术在时尚行业中的创新应用。他的报告不仅揭示了最新的研究趋势,也为与会者提供了关于技术在实际应用中潜力的深入洞见。

Firstly, Professor Haijun Zhang from Harbin Institute of Technology shared the innovative application of generative technology in the fashion industry under the topic of "Generative Fashion Intelligence". His report not only revealed the latest research trends, but also provided attendees with in-depth insights into the potential of technology in practical applications.

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紧接着,南京工业大学的沈谋全教授深入分析了Key techniques of data driven optimal control under network environment”,探讨了网络环境中数据驱动技术的复杂性及其在控制系统中的应用。

Subsequently, Professor Shen Mouquan from Nanjing University of Technology conducted an in-depth analysis of "Key techniques of data-driven optimal control under network environment", exploring the complexity of data-driven technology in network environments and its application in control systems.

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随后,来自西交利物浦大学的关圣威教授则聚焦于“Recursive Learning of Genetic Algorithms for Classification Problem Solving”,他介绍了如何通过递归学习增强遗传算法在复杂问题求解中的效率和效果。

Subsequently, Professor Steven Guan fromXi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University focused on "Recursive Learning of Genetic Algorithms for Classification Problem Solving", introducing how to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of genetic algorithms in solving complex problems through recursive learning.


最后,华南理工大学的刘亚俊教授以“An Intelligent Fire Detection Technology Based on Acceleration Signal and Machine Learning”为题,展示了结合机器学习与新型传感器技术在火灾预警系统中的突破性进展。

Finally, Professor Yajun Liu from South China University of Technology presented a breakthrough in fire warning systems by combining machine learning with new sensor technologies under the title "An Intelligent Fire Detection Technology Based on Acceleration Signal and Machine Learning".

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The afternoon meeting was equally exciting, with 12 students from Chengdu University of Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, and Shanghai Maritime University giving oral presentations on their innovative research. These young scholars have received high praise and support from experts and peers present by showcasing their exploration and innovation in the fields of machine learning and computer applications. In the interactive Q&A session, they actively communicate with the audience and collide with new research sparks.

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Yong Wang

Chengdu University of Technology

Title: Evaluating the Effectiveness of Feature Selection and  Explainable AI in predicting Acute Myocardial Infarction using  Machine Learning Models

Haoran Luo

Zhejiang University of Technology

Title: BPE: Exploring the prompt framework of physics exercises generated from Bloom's taxonomy in LLM

Haijun Yu

Key Laboratory of Space Utilization, Technology and  Engineering Center for Space Utilization, Chinese Academy of  Sciences

Title: Design and Implementation of Aerospace Engineering Data Visualization Platform for Data Service

Lin Zhang

Nankai University, China

Title: Advancement in Sensitive Information Recognition through  Blockchain Technology

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Linpo Shang

Guangdong University of Petrochemical  Technology

Title: Research on YOLOv8 Detection Algorithm Based on SKAttention Fusion

Yuntao Chen

China Jiliang University, China

Title: Automatic Modulation Classification Based on Multi-Scale Graph Neural Network with LSTM 

Yongjie Zheng

Guilin University of Electronic Technology

Title: RDFormer: Efficient RGB-D Semantic Segmentation in  Complex Outdoor Scenes

Xin Yao

Xi'an Technological University

Title: A heterogeneous image-matching algorithm based on a multi-level screening strategy

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Zhenlin Yang

Shanghai Maritime University

Title: Elevator Predictive Maintenance Analysis Based on Big Data

Rishi Kanaparti

Innovation Academy and Georgia Tech,  America

Title: Automated Detection of Heart Disease Using PhysioNet  ECG Signals and Machine Learning Models

Yitao Zheng

University of Electronic Science and Technology of  China, China

Title: CuesTrack: Multi-Object Tracking Based on Weak Clues and Trajectory Prediction

Xinyue Chen

Dalian Maritime University, China

Title: Improved Discrete Wolf Pack Algorithm for Solving Travelling Salesman Problems



ICMLCA 2024不仅是一个展示学术成果的平台,更是促进全球研究人员之间合作与交流的重要桥梁。与会者在会议期间拓宽了国际视野,结识了众多志同道合的合作伙伴,为未来的研究和技术应用带来了新思路。随着会议的圆满落幕,与会者们满载知识与灵感,期待将新学到的理念和技术运用到自己的研究工作中去。我们期盼在未来的ICMLCA会议中,再次见证更多的创新与突破,为机器学习和计算机应用领域的发展贡献更多智慧和力量。

ICMLCA 2024 is not only a platform for showcasing academic achievements, but also an important bridge for promoting collaboration and exchange among researchers worldwide. During the conference, participants broadened their international perspectives and met numerous like-minded partners, bringing new ideas for future research and technological applications. With the successful conclusion of the conference, the attendees were filled with knowledge and inspiration, looking forward to applying the newly learned concepts and technologies to their research work. We look forward to witnessing more innovation and breakthroughs at future ICMLCA conferences, contributing more wisdom and strength to the development of machine learning and computer applications.
